You certainly know La Station F in Paris, which is located in the 13th arrondissement? This is the largest campus of startups in the world! Now we have the chance to be part of the official
providers for all the events that take place in this extraordinary place. We decided to explain the importance of such a place in the field of events!
First, let’s start with a bit of history : Station F is a startup campus, inaugurated on June 29, 2017 spread over 51 000m2 and located ine the Halle Freyssinet, in Paris. Xavier Niel (founder of Free) id the creator of this incubator which is now classified as the largest campus of startups in the world. This pharaonic project began in 2013 when Xavier Niel wanted to create a place of meeting and exchange but above all an urban epicentre, both creating jobs andinnovation.
With more than 30 programs dedicated to startups, the idea is to help young companies with the best possible tools to develop their project and let their creativity speak. Thanks to Station F you will discover investment opportunities, a whole communauty will be present to help you carry out your projects and you will meet many entrepreneurs.
With major and essential digital partners (Microsoft, Facebook,...), Station F has many assets to seduce the young entrepreneurs of tomorrow!
With solutions for all needs (accommodation, food,...) Station F has chosen to offer comprehensive services to work and collaborate in the best possible conditions.
In conclusion, we can say that the location of your event has a major impact on the smooth running of the event.
So, if you want to organize an event at Station F, it will undoubtedly be the ideal place for any type of event (even more so if it is a digital issue thanks to its accessibility from different Parisian transport and the large volumes available.

With major and essential digital partners (Microsoft, Facebook,...), Station F has many assets to seduce the young entrepreneurs of tomorrow!

If the arrival of Station F has been a real boon for many startups, it is nevertheless beneficial to many related companies, and especially for the event industry. Indeed a place of this magnitude, in the heart of Paris is an ideal location for conferences, product presentations, innovations,... This allows you to bring all your prospects together at a strategic point!
To date, the #Team SE is one of the partners for the field of furniture rental, installation, printing and signage during your events at Station F. With our 3 000 references in stock, you can count on us to always offer you solutions during your space arrangements for the creationof a cloakroom for example and many other projects.

per year organized by Solutions Événements+1500 M3
of material delivered+8500
hours of assembly